Port Authority Trans Hudson (PATH) 9-car Platform Extension
Journal Square NJ and Newark NJ

Port Authority of New York & New Jersey
4 World Trade Center
150 Greenwich Street
New York, NY
PATH Station
Journal Square Transportation Center
Jersey City, NJ
PATH Station
Newark Penn Station
Newark, NJ
DiGeronimo PC holds a Call-in Architectural Contract with the Engineering / Architecture Design Division Port Authority of New York & New Jersey.
DiGeronimo designed the PATH platforms at Journal Square NJ and Newark NJ to accept 9-car trains to meet increased ridership demands. The project design included replacement of architectural elements, ADA tactile strips, new rubbing boards, signaling and monitor adjustments, and structural repairs. DiGeronimo prepared construction contract documents and provided construction administration services for this work. DiGeronimo arranged the construction scheduling scenario to accommodate the 24-7 operation of PATH.