Federal Emergency Management Agency – Superstorm Sandy Flood Damage Repairs
New York, NY

NYC School Construction Authority (SCA)
30-30 Thomson Ave.
Long Island City, NY 11101
DiGeronimo PC assessed the extent of damage, designed the repairs and mitigation for six schools damaged as a result of Superstorm Sandy, and negotiated the reimbursement responsibility between the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the NYC School Construction Authority (SCA.)
The extent of damage included basement, first floor, and roofs of these academic buildings. The work included replacement of architectural elements, interior re-configuration, mechanical systems, HVAC systems, electrical upgrades, fire protection / detection system upgrades, exterior envelope upgrades including windows and walls, and asbestos and lead abatement.
Superstorm Sandy hit the NYC region with a confluence of storm surge, full moon, and high tide that created fourteen-foot tides. Forty-four (44) NYC Schools were inundated with corrosive salt seawater.
In addition to building repairs reimbursed by FEMA, DiGeronimo designed flood mitigation measures to prevent flood water from entering these six school buildings. Work included safe-ing off openings (windows, fans, louvers) below the Design Flood Elevation (dfe,) placing boilers in watertight enclosures, replacing wiring, and, in some conditions, specifying flood gates, walls, doors, and panels.